Learn About Wisdom Teeth Removal: Procedure and Recovery

Wisdom teeth removal is a common dental procedure in Surrey, but most patients are not even aware of why wisdom teeth removal is necessary. The extraction experts at Grandview Corners Dental & Wellness Centre have written this handy guide on wisdom teeth to answer...

Introducing Early Oral Health for a Future of Healthy Smiles

Children’s dental care is often overlooked in Surrey, because many parents think that baby teeth are just going to fall out and be replaced by adult teeth. However, regular family dental care is important for all family members ”young and old. “Aside from...

Dental Veneers: Whitening Teeth for a Winning Smile

In existence for over 30 years, dental veneers are still not commonly understood or utilized by many dental patients in Surrey, BC. While most people have heard of whitening teeth with bleach treatments, they are not aware that they are being exposed to the bleaching...

Smile Correction 101: Fixing a “Gummy Smile”

Cosmetic Dentistry has become increasingly more accepted for patients thanks to popular reality shows that focus on dramatic smile makeovers. Dental patients in Surrey, BC are beginning to understand how easy it is to create their ideal smile with the available...

How To Know If You Have Gum Disease

Do your gums often get red, swollen, and tender or do they bleed easily? Have your gums pulled away from your teeth at all? Are your teeth loose or separating? Do you suffer from chronic bad breath (halitosis) or a bad taste in your mouth? Have you experienced any...